5 powerful techniques on How to talk to anyone you want

Hello everyone I'm here again with a new topic which is how to talk to anyone you want even if you don't know them. I still remember those days when I was in my college and there was a guy who used to talk to every body in the college and was famous as well. Even teachers liked him too and I used to feel jealous and would feel that what is there in that guy which makes him more likable in front of everyone because he was not even the topper of our class neither he was very smart. After thinking and researching I learnt that the reason behind all this was that he was able to communicate with anyone without hesitation. I used to tell myself that I don't even need to impress anyone but on the other hand I was making excuses which was totally wrong. Because communication is the essential element in our life and we should know how to communicate. And because of the Internet and social media we are neglecting the need of talking to people in real life. But in order to achieve ...