Common mistakes people make while generating traffic for blogs

Hi everyone this is my first ever blog. Since past few months I've been trying to come up with good ideas but I was not able to cope up with the competition and I would loose my hopes. I tried coming up with the memes, making a few new ones and also copying other memes and putting them in my blog. After trying hard I was able to get a bunch of ONE TIME visitors, then I tried looking for the latest searching trends in Google and writing a few articles on them, putting them everywhere in social media sites in order to optimize my blog and generate some traffic. I was not aware of the fact that all of that information is already available everywhere on the internet and people can access that information with good quality on much more famous sites. I FAILED!!

However, after thinking a lot I've learnt that this idea is not valid for a longer term and it fails eventually. People actually appreciate the originality of the content and the uniqueness which compels them to come and read your blogs for the sake of entertainment or gaining knowledge or even sharing one's own thoughts. After struggling alot I came to learn that all my efforts were useless and my hopes of generating traffic were getting reduced to almost 0.

I am writing this blog in order to share my experience with the people just to save time for the beginners, not to forget that I am also a beginner but I've learnt that copying someone's material would not be bringing traffic to your blog but also it's unethical to have someone else's content on your blog.

Our BASIC AIM is to earn all of us want to earn, YES that's true. So if you want to earn good amount of money BE ORIGINAL, BE UNIQUE and produce the content which people appreciate rather than what i already available on the internet.

I have already done that and lost my hopes just to boost the traffic and EARN AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE, but its not valid in the real world.

Determination is the KEY, you need to be determined and produce content on regular basis. Make sure you have those PILLER ARTICLES which will let people come to your blog and visit it on regular basis. You don't need such content through which people will visit but only ONE TIME. YES!! you dont need one time visitors, rather you need those visitors who will come again and again for your content because they are getting value in return.

REMEMBER!! TIME IS MONEY. people use internet not to kill time or because they are free all the time. IT'S A HOAX. you should not think like that rather you should give value to your readers so they can enjoy reading your blog and sharing their own thoughts with you too.

Being a Business Graduate, I've learnt a simple rule in Marketing, which is RETAIN YOUR CUSTOMERS. you need to retain you readers by producing the unique content on regular basis.

Consistency is one of the most important factor, many people start blogging but because of the hard work and very low incoming traffic, they loose hopes and eventually what happens after a few days of motivation they give up. I am going to provide you with a link in which you can have a few tips to generate traffic.



Have a good day. and please share your own thoughts and experiences in the comments below. I would highly appreciate your time.



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