5 powerful techniques on How to talk to anyone you want

Hello everyone I'm here again with a new topic which is how to talk to anyone you want even if you don't know them.

I still remember those days when I was in my college and there was a guy who used to talk to every body in the college and was famous as well. Even teachers liked him too and I used to feel jealous and would feel that what is there in that guy which makes him more likable in front of everyone because he was not even the topper of our class neither he was very smart.
After thinking and researching I learnt that the reason behind all this was that he was able to communicate with anyone without hesitation. I used to tell myself that I don't even need to impress anyone but on the other hand I was making excuses which was totally wrong. Because communication is the essential element in our life and we should know how to communicate. And because of the Internet and social media we are neglecting the need of talking to people in real life. But in order to achieve success you need to have the good communication skills.
You can enhance your relationships, inspire people and even crack good deals.
Lets not waste time and learn these simple tricks which will help you enhance the communication skills.

1. The flooding smile
William B Stanhard was a broker and he hardly used to talk to people not even with his wife in his 18 years of marriage infact he was not very happy with his life and his relations with other people were very poor. In order to make things better he joined a social club where he had given a task of giving a smile to atleast one person every hour. He took this task very seriously and the next day when he woke up he gave a smile to his wife and said good morning. His wife got shocked and felt very happy then he started giving smiles to every person he met. He then noticed that whenever he gives smile to someone, he/she gives smile back to him and thats what made him very pleasant and because of this his colleagues started talking to him. He shared his experience with other people in the club and said he and his wife are very happy now.

You can also apply the same trick in your life which will make a positive change in your life. It will also reduce the stress and blood pressure. Moreover, it will make you look much more attractive and confident.
Whenever you talk to somebody have a simple smile on your face it makes the other person feel more comfortable and secure with you.
Flooding smile doesn't mean you should have a big smile on your face whenever you meet someone. The author describes that when you meet someone observe their body language and then after 1 or 2 seconds give them a slow smile because it would look much more genuine.

2. The sticky eyes
Social experts say that the most common mistake people make is that when they talk to someone they don't look at the other person rather they look at the surroundings which unintentionally shows the other person that you are not interested in what he/she is saying and obviously noone likes it. So if you want to talk to someone never do this.
Key is to make an eye contact whenever you talk to someone. But remember smiling and making eye contact is best when the other person is interested in you otherwise doing this will make the other person feel uncomfortable and creepy.

3. Match the mood
Have you ever faced a situation when your mood is really bad and suddenly someone comes up and starts talking to you very loudly like heyyy buddy how are you? Whatsup?
Usually you might like the excitement but at that time you will be getting annoyed or vice versa. Mostly when people face this kind of situation they tend to move away from such people specially if they don't have any close relation with the other person.
It happens because of mood mismatch between you and the other person.
Key is to understand the mood of the other person start with the level of the other person and then gradually bring the level of excitement up. It can also bring up excitement in the other person even if he/she is not in a good mood.

4. Never the naked job, city and introduction
Most of the times when people meet the usually ask about names, job and where do you live? Now what? After all this there comes the awkward silence and then they don't know what to say next. So they want to run away from that situation and in future they try to avoid each other.
If you don't want this to happen so NEVER GIVE ONE LINE REPLIES.
Common questions like where do you live? What you do? Try to answer these questions with some facts and figures like.
Where do you live? You may ask about different facts and figures about the city or the area of the other person in order to continue the conversation

5. Parroting
Parrot is a very beautiful bird. It repeats whatever we say without even memorizing it.
Whenever you are talking to someone and you don't know what to say next and you want to continue the conversation then you can use this technique. In this technique you don't have to say anything rather you just need to repeat what the other person is saying.
Like for example there are two people they don't have any close relation with each other and even at times they tried to avoid each other because both of them didn't have anything to talk about. Now when they meet person A says Hi just coming from the show. Person B replies: SHOW?  Person A: yeah it was great many great singers were there. Person B replies: great singers? Person A: yea.... and so on. So person B kept on talking to person A just by using the same technique.
Because sometimes people just need a simple reply to continue a conversation. Parroting is an easy way to fulfill this need.

These techniques are taken from the book
"How to talk to anyone"
By Leil Lowndes
There are 92 tricks in the book which will help you alot in enhancing your skills through which you can talk to anyone.


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