Best way to deal with stress
Hello everyone in my previous post I have described a two minute technique to overcome the anxiety or fear in different situations, so I thought it would be a plus for every one to discuss about Stress which is related to anxiety. So lets get started
Mostly people make this mistake when they are about to face a situation which causes them stress like going on stage, giving presentation or meeting someone special. their heart starts beating very fast so they try to make their selves calm by doing different techniques, now what they do is that they hide their HIGH NEGATIVE FEELINGS and bury those inside themselves. This is what almost everyone would advice you to do. Right?
which is not correct!!
Because it is not possible for most of the people to overcome the anxiety at that moment,
So the best way is to convert that HIGH NEGATIVE ENERGY into a POSITIVE ONE rather than trying to bury it or removing it.
like for example, when I had a performance on stage for the first time, I had exactly the same feelings, I was very nervous, going to the washroom again and again, trying to practice as much as possible before going on to the stage, still the feelings were same and honestly telling you when I got my turn you will not believe that I MESSED UP everything. haha
yes I turned my performance into an ultimate FAILURE and for so many days those feelings were inside me. But a good thing I did was not backing off. I continued participating in different gigs. So when I was about to perform for the second time, same feelings were started growing inside me. My friends were like RELAX, STAY CALM AND FOCUSED, You'd Rock!!
nothing worked honestly.
What I did was that I started talking to myself that yes I AM SO EXCITED ABOUT THIS PERFORMANCE, IT WILL BE FUN, EVERYONE MAKES MISTAKES. what happened was my breathe was getting in control, I started feeling better.
The Author Amy Cady in her book "PRESENCE" also described the same that by doing this you will convert the NEGATIVE FEELINGS INTO POSITIVE ONES.
So before any important interview or presentation use the 2 minute technique that I have described in my previous post which is making POWER POSE for 2 minutes like SUPERMAN or VICTORY pose and secondly, convert NEGATIVE ENERGY into POSITIVE one by telling yourself that you are very excited about this and you have waited long for this etc etc.
Hope you will find this article useful. Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, Like and Share if you have learnt something out of this

which is not correct!!
Because it is not possible for most of the people to overcome the anxiety at that moment,
So the best way is to convert that HIGH NEGATIVE ENERGY into a POSITIVE ONE rather than trying to bury it or removing it.
like for example, when I had a performance on stage for the first time, I had exactly the same feelings, I was very nervous, going to the washroom again and again, trying to practice as much as possible before going on to the stage, still the feelings were same and honestly telling you when I got my turn you will not believe that I MESSED UP everything. haha
yes I turned my performance into an ultimate FAILURE and for so many days those feelings were inside me. But a good thing I did was not backing off. I continued participating in different gigs. So when I was about to perform for the second time, same feelings were started growing inside me. My friends were like RELAX, STAY CALM AND FOCUSED, You'd Rock!!
nothing worked honestly.
What I did was that I started talking to myself that yes I AM SO EXCITED ABOUT THIS PERFORMANCE, IT WILL BE FUN, EVERYONE MAKES MISTAKES. what happened was my breathe was getting in control, I started feeling better.
The Author Amy Cady in her book "PRESENCE" also described the same that by doing this you will convert the NEGATIVE FEELINGS INTO POSITIVE ONES.
So before any important interview or presentation use the 2 minute technique that I have described in my previous post which is making POWER POSE for 2 minutes like SUPERMAN or VICTORY pose and secondly, convert NEGATIVE ENERGY into POSITIVE one by telling yourself that you are very excited about this and you have waited long for this etc etc.
Hope you will find this article useful. Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, Like and Share if you have learnt something out of this
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