How to make your dream life come true
Now a days people are getting health conscious because of the reason everyone wants to stay fit. Now I've seen many people transforming themselves from being chubby into a smart and good looking person. Now the question is how do they do it? You might have searched on Google how to get smart in no time. So what you get is like the three options
1. This is the most common option people take which is taking a membership in a gym now and get discount offers right away where you'll be trained by a personal trainer. Yes the trainer who would probably be working on his/her own dreams to come true.
2. This would suggest that you should learn all by yourelves which would cost alot of time, money and effort.
3. This option would suggest to get smart like Arnold schwarzenegger in 5 months and 100% guaranteed results.
Now if I ask you to choose one option you'll say the third option most probably.
But I would say NO. Why?
Because everyone of us do not want to die early and want good health, we do not want to live a low standard life, we also need good wealth, a big house, nice car and a wallet full of money along with love, healthy relationships and happiness. Yes that's the dream of every other person in this world.
Lets talk about the first option which is done by most of the people. For example you study hard for many years just to get a good job which you won't even like but you'll continue for the rest of life so you can earn some money or taking advises from people who are not even successful im their own lives.
A quotation says
"too many people give up on their dreams by listening to people who gave up on theirs"
Do you know whose quote is this? Tell me in the comments.
People like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and many others were not the average person, they didn't listen to what people say about them, they continued working on their dreams and we all know who they are.
Now if you are a person who has big dreams and want to achieve something in life then you might not to take this 1st option.
Second option would make the things worse. For example after getting frustrated from the job people take loans, use their savings and start a business and hope that this would end their struggle. This can seriously damage your life. Causes stress because you would be working much more than before in order to survive. Not to forget 80% business fail in the 18 months of their starting.
So lets say you are lucky and consistent to your work and devote everything to your business but at that time you'll be old. What would you do?
We need to get love, happiness, health and wealth all together. But if you sacrifice all these just for the wealth is probably no a good option.
Lets talk about the option 3. If you want to be successful and have all these love, happiness, health and wealth together. I would suggest this option is feasible. Learn from the person who is already living your dream life.
For example if you want to be successful like person A whom you know and has worked alot to become a millionaire. He has experience of so many years through which he learnt to have a successful business. You can get that knowledge in very less time. Follow him, read about him. As he has already went through that process in which you are about to start your journey. It would be much easier for you to become successful. These people will be your mentors. Yes having mentors in life is very essential in order to achieve success. You must have heard about how the diamonds are made through a carbon rock. Your mentors can bring out the diamonds outside of you. And you will shine like stars.
If you don't like what I said? Do some research about all the great people like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Warren Buffett they all had mentors and look they have changed the world.
Because of the reason that mentors have spent their lives in finding what you are finding. They went through Trials and Errors and after a long time they got the formula. You can get that formula from your mentors
Without even working as hard as they did.
You have limited time and you need to work on your dreams in order to live according to your desires. So choose the path now and work on it. Follow Sam Walton a self made billionaire founder of Walmart if you want to become a Billionaire.
For happiness you can learn from Dalai Lama
You can take any top person and start following him/her in order to transform yourself and get your dreams come true.
Now the question is why someone would tell their secrets of success? And which knowledge is relevant to you.
I'll tell you how?
1. You can learn from the books that they have written or someone who knew them very well. Let me tell you a fact that 93% of the people who are successful read books. So don't be lazy start reading books. I know it sounds very boring because many of us don't like reading.
But not to worry about. I'm here for this reason in order to tell you about different books through which you can develop your personality.
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1. This is the most common option people take which is taking a membership in a gym now and get discount offers right away where you'll be trained by a personal trainer. Yes the trainer who would probably be working on his/her own dreams to come true.
2. This would suggest that you should learn all by yourelves which would cost alot of time, money and effort.
3. This option would suggest to get smart like Arnold schwarzenegger in 5 months and 100% guaranteed results.
Now if I ask you to choose one option you'll say the third option most probably.
But I would say NO. Why?
Because everyone of us do not want to die early and want good health, we do not want to live a low standard life, we also need good wealth, a big house, nice car and a wallet full of money along with love, healthy relationships and happiness. Yes that's the dream of every other person in this world.

A quotation says
"too many people give up on their dreams by listening to people who gave up on theirs"
Do you know whose quote is this? Tell me in the comments.
People like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and many others were not the average person, they didn't listen to what people say about them, they continued working on their dreams and we all know who they are.
Now if you are a person who has big dreams and want to achieve something in life then you might not to take this 1st option.
Second option would make the things worse. For example after getting frustrated from the job people take loans, use their savings and start a business and hope that this would end their struggle. This can seriously damage your life. Causes stress because you would be working much more than before in order to survive. Not to forget 80% business fail in the 18 months of their starting.
So lets say you are lucky and consistent to your work and devote everything to your business but at that time you'll be old. What would you do?
We need to get love, happiness, health and wealth all together. But if you sacrifice all these just for the wealth is probably no a good option.
Lets talk about the option 3. If you want to be successful and have all these love, happiness, health and wealth together. I would suggest this option is feasible. Learn from the person who is already living your dream life.
For example if you want to be successful like person A whom you know and has worked alot to become a millionaire. He has experience of so many years through which he learnt to have a successful business. You can get that knowledge in very less time. Follow him, read about him. As he has already went through that process in which you are about to start your journey. It would be much easier for you to become successful. These people will be your mentors. Yes having mentors in life is very essential in order to achieve success. You must have heard about how the diamonds are made through a carbon rock. Your mentors can bring out the diamonds outside of you. And you will shine like stars.
If you don't like what I said? Do some research about all the great people like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Warren Buffett they all had mentors and look they have changed the world.
Because of the reason that mentors have spent their lives in finding what you are finding. They went through Trials and Errors and after a long time they got the formula. You can get that formula from your mentors
Without even working as hard as they did.
You have limited time and you need to work on your dreams in order to live according to your desires. So choose the path now and work on it. Follow Sam Walton a self made billionaire founder of Walmart if you want to become a Billionaire.
For happiness you can learn from Dalai Lama
You can take any top person and start following him/her in order to transform yourself and get your dreams come true.
Now the question is why someone would tell their secrets of success? And which knowledge is relevant to you.
I'll tell you how?
1. You can learn from the books that they have written or someone who knew them very well. Let me tell you a fact that 93% of the people who are successful read books. So don't be lazy start reading books. I know it sounds very boring because many of us don't like reading.
But not to worry about. I'm here for this reason in order to tell you about different books through which you can develop your personality.
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